Everyone wants 6-pack washboard abs but if you’re not into crunches and planks, don’t worry: there are other ways to work those core muscles without getting down on the floor. These standing abs with kettlebell are effective, fun to do, and will help build and tone those coveted abs.
Kettlebells are full-body workout tools that target your arms, shoulders, back, and legs as well as your core, which is why they’re perfect for a killer abs routine. In fact, the movements that you do with a kettlebell can be more challenging than traditional bodyweight exercises because they require extra stability and force. But not all kettlebell exercises are created equal, so you need to choose your moves wisely. Here are five kettlebell ab exercises to add to your rotation that will help you strengthen those core muscles and tone those love handles. Learn more standing abs with kettlebell – strongandfit.com
Stand Tall, Strengthen Abs: Effective Kettlebell Workouts for Toned and Defined Midsection
Start this standing abs with kettlebell move lying face up on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a lighter kettlebell in right hand with the arm locked out overhead. Brace your core and sit up all the way with the kettlebell held in your right hand up over your chest (your bicep should be next to your right ear). Slowly — and with control, remember to keep the kettlebell steady overhead — lower yourself back down to the starting position. That’s one rep. Repeat on the other side.
Side Plank Row
A challenging variation of a plank that works your core, arms, shoulders and even legs. “This is a tough exercise because it’s hard to stay stable in a half-kneeling position while pulling with the kettlebell,” says Duncan.